
These are our terms of use, like every application we have one for ours and please read them before using. Please read this information carefully before using this website.
The prerequisite for access and use of this website is the complete consent and observance of the following conditions of use.


This website is operated by and on behalf of majormelodystudios.com. All formulations like "we", "our" and "us" refer to majormelodystudios.com.

Liability waiver

Although we strive to ensure the technical and material correctness of the content of the website, we can not rule out any errors that may occur on this website.
The information, data and offers made available are for information purposes only.
We assume no liability for the correctness and completeness of this information.

Copyrights and reproduction

Copyright, trademark, database and other proprietary rights of the content of this website are the property of majormelodystudios.com.
You may not reproduce the contents of this website.
Except in the above case, content, software or information obtained from this website may not be altered, licensed, transferred, sold or edited.
The software of this website is protected by copyright and is strictly provided according to the license terms valid for software.
It may only be used for its actual purpose in accordance with these Terms of Use.
Please make sure that you do not publish any texts for which you have no explicit permission from the author.
Also not allowed is the misuse of the websites under majormelodystudios.com as an advertising platform.
The naming of product names, manufacturers, service providers and websites is only permitted if the purpose of the advertisement is not primarily pursued.

Image rights

majormelodystudios.com does not transfer any rights to any image material downloaded or used by the user.
Use for commercial purposes is only permitted in connection with majormelodystudios.com products and requires prior approval from us.

Data protection

majormelodystudios.com attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data.
You will find detailed information on the collection and use of your data in our.  Data Protection


To facilitate your search for further information, we have set up several links to other websites. This does not mean, however, that we approve or approve the contents of these websites or the material available from them. majormelodystudios.com accepts no liability for the content of these websites or the data protection declaration.


The use of this website is subject to German law and by using our website, you agree that all disputes between you and us will be negotiated before German courts. Should parts of these Terms of Use prove to be unenforceable, void, unlawful or invalid, they shall be removed from this Agreement. All other provisions retain their full validity and legal effect.


If you have any questions about this website or the products and / or services we offer, please contact our administrator.